Rohan Character Name Generator

Forth Eorlingas! Truly it is a momentous day! For at last I have branched out into name generators for Games Workshop’s oft-overlooked but peppy third child - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game! As a huge Lord of the Rings fan it was only a matter of time, and what better way to kick things off than with a character name generator for everyone’s favourite horse-lords?
I first got into Middle Earth SBG way back when it was still titled after Lord of the Rings, and I gathered a modest collection of painted miniatures that now, alas, are lost to time (and several changes of address). I got back into it again briefly a few years later with a Moria army that was hastily assembled and painted for a small local event. Since then I’ve continued to admire the game from afar and, though I regularly toy with the idea of assembling an army of hobbits, my countless other unfinished projects mean that it will likely remain a pipe dream for the foreseeable future.
But that’s all the more reason to engage with the Lord of the Rings characters and setting in a way that I do have time for, and that means name generators! This Rohan character name generator was loads of fun to put together, and a refreshing change of pace to Games Workshop’s in-house settings. There’s so much rich material in Tolkien’s work to draw on, not to mention lots of very clear information about the cultures and naming conventions that his fictional civilisations are base upon. I was able to draw heavily on iron-age Anglo-Saxon names to help fill out the variables in this name generator and, given that Tolkien envisioned the Rohirrim as Anglo-Saxons on horseback, they should hopefully be a perfect fit!
I’m looking forward to working on more Lord of the Rings name generators in future - let me know what you’d like to see next!