Character Name Generator - Scourge Privateers

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I saw three ships come sailing in
I've been making character name generators for Warhammer Age of Sigmar for almost exactly one year, and I've covered some of the biggest factions in the game. Working on this Scourge Privateers generator was a welcome opportunity to explore one of the smaller factions, applying everything I've learned to date as I extrapolate their culture and characteristics.
They may only be a small subfaction of the Cities of Sigmar army, and they may only have one hero, but after putting together this name generator I'm brimming with ideas for an entire pirate crew, conversions and all! That's the creative power of narrative play for you!
This name generator is perfect for naming your Scourge Privateers characters and heroes for narrative play in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Enjoy!
This name generator is perfect for naming your Cities of Sigmar Scourge Privateers heroes and characters, whether you’re fielding them in Warhammer Age of Sigmar or Warcry. It’s also handy for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and the Age of Sigmar: Soulbound role playing game. I hope you like it!
If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share and copy it as you see fit.