Taverns of the Mortal Realms
/I’m honestly not sure what the days of the week are called in the Mortal Realms, or how time even works for that matter. But somewhere in the realmspheres it’s the equivalent of 6PM on a Saturday night - time for every peasant to scrape the dung off his or her face, don their finest rags and stagger to the nearest watering hole. They say that alcohol helps you forget and, with the myriad horrors assailing Sigmar’s domain on a daily basis, its denizens have a lot that they’d be better off forgetting.
Enter the unsung heroes of the great war against Chaos - the enterprising tavern owners of such reputable establishments as Ye Thirsty Varghulf and Gork’s Hole. Without them, the realms would be a grim place indeed. Booze-hawkers of the Mortal Realms, we salute you - truly you are doing the god-king’s work.

Check out the rest of the Realm of Plastic Advent Calendar 2019 here.
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