40K Hive City Name Generator

Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40K or Necromunda - hive city name generator.
Constantine Hive
Ancient Hive City of Defiant Addicts

It’s been a joy and a privilege to see my Warhammer name generators reaching an ever-wider audience over the last few years, and with that recognition comes the occasional request. That’s not to say that my mail bag is exactly bursting at the seams, but a request that’s come up more than once is for a Warhammer 40K hive city name generator. Well, ask and ye shall receive!

The list of named hive cities in the Warhammer 40K lore is respectable, but not as vast as you might think. For my purposes this is perfect - it gives me a clear set of templates and precedents to work from, whilst also affording a degree of creative license in coming up with my own ideas. The result is a generator capable of combining hundreds of unique name components into millions of unique hive city names that, I hope, all feel very much at home in the 40K setting.

This should be great news for those of you that love writing up intricate background lore for your Warhammer armies, or creating unique fictional settings for your narrative campaigns. In fact, the randomly generated description that accompanies each name is designed to help you do just that, with little snippets of randomised lore that can serve as the inspirational spark for your own storytelling.

The nature of these names is such that they’re even useful for naming smaller regions within a hive or other urban setting of the Imperium, making it handy for creating compelling settings within your own pocket of the underhive for Necromunda.

If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit.