Necromunda - Cawdor Character Name Generator

A little while ago I made a Cawdor gang name generator, and I had a lot of fun doing it. There’s something about the blend of downtrodden scavengers and religious zealots that’s deeply fascinating, and a streak of dark humour makes Cawdor one of the more obviously entertaining houses too. There are a lot of influences and ideas to work with, and I’ve done my best to stir them all into the pot for this Cawdor ganger name generator.
Quite often with these name generators the more characterful elements are mainly visible in the little character backstory prompts that appear below the names, but sometimes - as is the case here - I get the opportunity to bring some of these influences into the names themselves. Names like ‘Enos the Crusader’, ‘Rancid Cwenhild’ and ‘Moab Hovelwit’ really capture the feel of House Cawdor - or so I like to think anyway! It gives me a real thrill to imagine that somehow, somewhere, these motley characters might be brought to life on the tabletop in your Necromunda campaigns.
If you use this House Cawdor character name generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And please share it with all the masked rat-fanciers you know on social media, as this really helps bolster the infamy of my website.