Necromunda - Orlock Gang Name Generator

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House Orlock are possibly the most down-to-earth denizens of the underhive - literally, given that mining is their primary industry. No crazy genetic or bionic enhancements for these guys and gals, just a gun, a badass attitude and an unerring sense of loyalty. And sometimes jet-packs. They’re an outlaw biker gang, except for the fact that they’re not actually outlawed and they don’t appear to have bikes (yet). They’re the plucky, relatable everyman gang, facing off against all the madness and horror that a 41st millennium hive city has to throw at them.
In some ways, the fact that House Orlock aren’t as exaggerated in their characteristics as the other gangs made this gang name generator more of a challenge to put together. I’ve leaned in pretty heavily to the biker gang concept, and there are plenty of references to mining thrown in there too. I was concerned that the overall results might feel a little too bland and generic compared to some of the other gang name generators I’ve made, but then it hit me - an Orlock Gang has no need of an ostentatious or wacky name. They’re a straightforward, steely, no-nonsense people who are all business, and this name generator reflects that. Everything worked out just fine.
If you use this House Orlock gang name generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And please share it with all the hard-as-nails mining foremen you know on social media, as this really helps bolster the infamy of my website.