T'au Empire - Character Name Generator

Warhammer 40K Tau Character Name Generator
Adaptable Citizen of the Annexed Battlefield
Long Name (T'au Lexicon)
Shas'Ui T'au'n Shoa'ng
Long Name (Translation)
Veteran Longsight of the T'au'n Sept, Fire Caste

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I remember when the T’au were first introduced to Warhammer 40K (or the Tau, sans apostrophe, as they were then). New factions were as rare as hen’s teeth back in those days, so the whole business was pretty exciting, especially as this was a faction that looked and felt very different to what we were used to. Some pople weren’t fans, but over the years the T’au have cemented their place in the lore - and in our hearts (question mark?). Anyway, I’ve always been a low-key fan, so I’m pretty pleased to be bringing you this T’au character name generator today.

This is without doubt the most technically complicated name generator I’ve made so far. Not the biggest or the most varied , but absolutely the most complex. That’s partly because T’au names are kind of complicated to start with, and partly because I was determined to create a generator that could display the character’s full name and title in both the T’au lexicon and in Low Gothic (or ‘English’, if you prefer). That meant that while some parts of the generator needed to be randomised, the individual components of the T’au name and translation needed to match up correctly - not a challenge I’ve dealt with in previous generators.

This was made possible by the excellent work of the folks over at Lexicanum and their fantastic T’au Lexicon page. They’ve gone through the entire body of T’au lore and background fiction to produce a pretty extensive list of T’au names and words alongside their English translations. That means that, for the most part, the translations shown in this name generator are lore-accurate.

I say ‘for the most part’ because I did need to fill in some gaps. For example, there are T’au characters in the fiction that are known exclusively by their name’s English wording, with no T’au translation provided. I wanted to be able to use the components of theses names to preserve the feel of the faction and to ensure that the generator contained enough variety, so in this very small number of cases the T’au translations were invented by me. I hope don’t mind!

This name generator is perfect for narrative play in the 41st millennium, whether you're naming your heroes in Warhammer 40,000 or each and every squad member in Kill Team. I hope you like it!

If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit.