Ultramarines - Character Name Generator

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Since time immemorial, one fact about Warhammer 40,000 has remained true - Space Marines are the most iconic faction in the 41st millennium, and Ultramarines are the most quintessential Space Marines chapter. As I sat down to prepare this character name generator, this fact led me to two conclusions; firstly, that it would be really important for me to get this one right and, secondly, that getting it right would be extraordinarily easy.
You see, quite often when I build a character name generator for one of the many worlds of Warhammer, the faction in question only has a handful of named characters in their entire back catalogue of official lore. This is especially true of Age of Sigmar, but it can also happen with minor subfactions in 40K, Necromunda, and so forth. This means that I regularly have to extrapolate quite a lot of content from very little raw material, which is both a challenge and very satisfying. Not so for the Ultramarines.
There are so many named Ultramarines in both the Warhammer 40K and Horus Heresy settings that, not only did I not need to extrapolate any additional name generator content, but there was enough existing material to make a generator twice the size of what I typically aim for! So, if you’ve bothered to read this far, here’s my dirty little secret - all I did on this occasion was chop up the names of existing characters and plug them in to the generator to be reassembled at random. Could I have been a bit more creative and extrapolated some original content? Maybe. Did the generator really need it? Well, currently it’s capable of producing 1,926,296 unique name combinations - I’ll let you be the judge.
This name generator is perfect for narrative play in the 41st millennium, whether you're naming your heroes in Warhammer 40,000 or each and every squad member in Kill Team. It’s also great for naming your Ultramarines space marines in the 30K setting of the Horus Heresy. I hope you like it!
If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit.