Gnoblars Character Name Generator - Warhammer Fantasy

Here’s a character name generator that nobody asked for, but which you’re getting nonetheless - gnoblars! I mean, from an ogre’s perspective the feeble little runts are barely worthy of a name, except perhaps ‘hey you’ or ‘lunch’, but from my perspective it’s just too much fun not to! They’re just so endearingly pathetic and weird!
The truly amusing thing about all this is that I’ve managed to extrapolate a generator capable of producing over 4,500,000 unique gnoblar names from the mere five official canon names I was able to find. Apparently even Games Workshop doesn’t much care for honouring the little blighters with a name either. The good news for me is that, with so little to go on, you can’t prove that any of those 4,500,000 combinations aren’t perfectly plausible and lore-accurate. It’s your word against mine.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, it was a toss-up regarding whether to put this generator in the Age of Sigmar section or the WHFB / Old World section. In the end I opted for the latter since the overwhelming majority of gnoblar lore was established back in the World That Was, and doesn’t seem to have been addressed much in the Mortal Realms, let alone changed. So there you have it.
This name generator is perfect for naming your gnoblar heroes, characters and champions (such as they are), whether you’re fielding them in Warhammer The Old World, Warhammer Fantasy Battles or Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It’s also handy for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Soulbound. I hope you like it!
If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit.