Army Name Generator - Hedonites of Slaanesh

I recently read the newest edition of the Hedonites of Slaanesh battletome, and one of the things that really struck me was the sheer variety of Slaanesh forces mentioned in the lore. Slaanesh, it seems, has a practically infinite number of insidious ways to corrupt the peoples and civilisations of the Mortal Realms, and this is reflected in everything from a minor organisation of gourmands that take things a little too far, to whole legions of cavorting daemons and cultists.
When I came to assemble content for this army name generator, all of this rich and varied lore proved to be a truly inspiring asset, and I hope you’ll see this reflected in the results you generate. It’s always my intention that these name generators should be more than simply a way of coming up with a label to apply to a pre-existing force, but a means of inspiring new projects and ideas through implied backstory. Thanks to the fantastically diverse and evocative way that the Hedonites of Slaanesh have been realised in their newest battletome, I feel that this army name generator succeeds in this regard more than most.
This Hedonites of Slaanesh army and warband name generator is perfect for giving your Warhammer Age of Sigmar army or Warcry warband a sense of identity on the battlefield, whether it’s for narrative play in your local gaming club or matched play in a competitive tournament. I hope you like it!