Army Name Generator - Hedonites of Slaanesh

Army Name Generator - Hedonites of Slaanesh

Slaanesh has a practically infinite number of insidious ways to corrupt the peoples and civilisations of the Mortal Realms. Thanks to the fantastically diverse and evocative way that the Hedonites of Slaanesh have been realised in their newest battletome, I feel that this army name generator succeeds in inspiring new ideas more than most.

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Army Name Generator - Nighthaunt

Army Name Generator - Nighthaunt

I like the idea that an army’s name should tell a story and, to me, names like ‘The Vestiges of Deathless Malice’ and ‘The Slenderghasts of the Mirrored Crypt’ do just that. They’re evocative, hinting at the dark and intriguing history that led to the army becoming what it is today, or what its motivations might be.

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Army Name Generator - Idoneth Deepkin

Army Name Generator - Idoneth Deepkin

No self-respecting Idoneth Deepkin soul-raiding force should be without an appropriate name. It’s a matter of honour, even though your hapless victims will, naturally, not remember it (except perhaps in their nightmares). Isn’t being part of Grand Alliance: Order just so wholesome?

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Character Name Generator - Beasts of Chaos

Character Name Generator - Beasts of Chaos

This one has been a long time coming! Despite being a faction that I’ve loved since my earliest years in the hobby, and despite them being an army that I actually collect and play with, the poor Beasts of Chaos are the last of the major Age of Sigmar factions to get a character name generator. Weird innit?

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Character Name Generator - Har Kuron

Character Name Generator - Har Kuron

I’ve been on the verge of making character name generators for specific Cities of Sigmar for two years, and now I’ve finally done it. Only it’s not a City of Sigmar after all, but a City of Morathi-Khaine - I can only hope that Sigmar will forgive my treachery.

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Army Name Generator - Seraphon

Army Name Generator - Seraphon

The Seraphon have evolved somewhat since we were first introduced to them when Age of Sigmar launched. Whichever take on the Seraphon you prefer, celestial elements are a big part of their background, and you’ll find more Aztec-inspired mysticism than you can shake a stick at in this army name generator.

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Character Name Generator - Nurgle Daemons

Character Name Generator - Nurgle Daemons

A thousand foul blessings to you, children of the plague god! If you play any flavour of daemonic Nurgle army, then I think you’ll enjoy today’s character name generator. Now you can spread the love (and the disease) by naming your jolly band of daemons, from the mightiest Great Unclean One to the lowliest nurgling.

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Army Name Generator - Blades of Khorne

Army Name Generator - Blades of Khorne

To go to war - albeit a tiny tabletop war - without a suitably imposing name for your army is an act of supreme martial dishonour. So do yourself a favour, appease the Blood God, and go a few rounds with this here army name generator. Your tiny miniature murderers will thank you for it.

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Character Name Generator - Dispossessed

Character Name Generator - Dispossessed

It’s been Sigmar-knows how many millennia since the destruction of the World-That-Was, and yet the stoic duardin of the Dispossessed haven’t changed very much. They’ve retained their own unique cultural character, and that’s more than enough reason to give them their own character name generator.

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Character Name Generator - Sons of Behemat

Character Name Generator - Sons of Behemat

If you’re a Sons of Behemat player there’s really no excuse for not naming every model in your army - a 2000 point force consists of just 6 models after all! Plus, the gargant models are so characterful and customisable that they practically demand to be given a name. That’s where this handy-dandy character name generator comes in.

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Character Name Generator - Collegiate Arcane

Character Name Generator - Collegiate Arcane

No single name generator can possibly do justice to the plethora of humans, aelves, duardin, warriors, wizards, priests, pirates, engineers and more that make up the Cities of Sigmar. The battlemages of the Collegiate Arcane need and deserve their own character name generator - and this is it!

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Character Name Generator - Lumineth Realm-Lords

Character Name Generator - Lumineth Realm-Lords

The Lumineth Realm-lords built an all-new civilisation based around the production and consumption of mind-expanding crystals, with a side-order of cow worship. All of this is super helpful when it comes to making a character name generator, since there’s so much material to draw on. Hope you like it!

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Mega-Gargants: Top 10 GIANT Conversion Ideas!

Mega-Gargants: Top 10 GIANT Conversion Ideas!

Soon you’ll be able to field a pure Sons of Behemat army but, for me, the most exciting part of this release is the prospect of adding mercenary Mega-Gargants into other Warhammer Age of Sigmar forces. I’m going to go ahead and count down the top ten GIANT conversion possibilities!

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Army & Clan Name Generator - Skaven

Army & Clan Name Generator - Skaven

Just imagine the sheer number of names they must have for their various hordes, armies, secretive cabals and lesser clans. Better yet, don’t imagine it - just keep clicking on this Skaven army name generator and discover some of the possibilities for yourself!

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Army Name Generator - Lumineth Realm-Lords

Army Name Generator - Lumineth Realm-Lords

What is there to say about the Lumineth Realm-Lords that they haven’t already boasted about at great length themselves? I’ve tried to reflect their juxtaposition of enlightenment and arrogance in this army name generator, and I only hope the result is worthy of the sons and daughters of Teclis.

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Character Name Generator - Stormcast Eternals (Warrior Chamber)

Character Name Generator - Stormcast Eternals (Warrior Chamber)

Well, it had to happen sooner or later - the poster boys and girls of Age of Sigmar now have a name generator! Perfect for naming your male and female Stormcast Eternals characters for narrative play.

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Character Name Generator - Ossiarch Bonereapers

Character Name Generator - Ossiarch Bonereapers

After hibernating beneath the surface of the mortal realms for aeons the Ossiarch Bonereapers have at last emerged with their very own character name generator. I’m particularly pleased with how this one has come together, and I feel that the majority of the names look like something you might see in the official AoS lore.

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Character Name Generator - Slaanesh Hedonites

Character Name Generator - Slaanesh Hedonites

What wonderful synchronicity! Here I am working on a character name generator for the mortal servants of Slaanesh and literally - as I’m working on it - Games Workshop preview the first new mortal Slaanesh hero miniature since Age of Sigmar debuted. Truly this is a degree of perfection worthy of the Dark Prince herself.

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Army Name Generator - Cities of Sigmar

Army Name Generator - Cities of Sigmar

This name generator has options to name both your Cities of Sigmar army and the settlement from which they hail. This one is designed not just for naming your existing army, but for inspiring you to create something entirely new and never before seen on the tabletop.

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