Army Name Generator - Idoneth Deepkin

Well blow me down with a wet fish! I can hardly believe it’s been almost exactly two years since I published my Idoneth Deepkin character name generator. How time flies when your soul is but a hair’s breadth from withering away to nothing. Clearly everyone’s favourite soggy aelves are long overdue some attention here at Realm of Plastic and, with the events of Broken Realms: Morathi still fresh in our minds, now seems like a great time to revisit the darkest, coldest depths of the Mortal Realms with a brand new Idoneth Deepkin army name generator.
No self-respecting Idoneth Deepkin soul-raiding force should be without an appropriate name. It’s a matter of honour, even though your hapless victims will, naturally, not remember it (except perhaps in their nightmares). I can just imagine eyeless Namarti thralls screaming names like ‘The Shallowsalt Shadows’ and ‘The Riptide Scions’ in triumph whilst skewering an impoverished fisherman as he lashes out with a peg-leg in a desperate bid to defend his modest homestead. Isn’t being part of Grand Alliance: Order just so wholesome?
This Idoneth Deepkin army and warband name generator is perfect for giving your Warhammer Age of Sigmar army or Warcry warband a sense of identity on the battlefield, whether it’s for narrative play in your local gaming club or matched play in a competitive tournament. I hope you like it!