Army Name Generator - Lumineth Realm-Lords

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What is there to say about the Lumineth Realm-Lords that they haven’t already boasted about at great length themselves? Seriously, these aelves are proud of their civilisation to the point of arrogance, despite their claims of transcendental enlightenment. It’s precisely that interesting juxtaposition of enlightenment and arrogance that I’ve tried to reflect in this army name generator, and I only hope the result is worthy of the sons and daughters of Teclis.
I usually try to get access to the battletome for the faction I’m making an army name generator for, since it’s important to me that all of the generated names should be grounded in the official lore of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar setting. I put this one together without access to a battletome, but given the sheer volume of Warhammer Community articles and promotional content that Games Workshop put out for the Lumineth Realm-Lords over the protracted lockdown period here in the UK, I still had a wealth of material to draw on. To my great annoyance, the one thing I’ve been unable to deduce is the general term that the Lumineth use for their armies - is it ‘legions’? I’m going with legions.
This army name generator is perfect for giving your Warhammer Age of Sigmar army or Warcry warband a sense of identity on the battlefield, whether it’s for narrative play in your local gaming club or matched play in a competitive tournament. I hope you like it!