Character Name Generator - Ironjawz

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‘Ere We Go!
It’s taken me over a month, but the Ironjawz character name generator - as voted for by you - is finally complete! I hope you’ll enjoy using it to name the heroes and characters of your Ironjawz army. You could even use it to name regular Greenskin Orruks or Orcs in the World-That-Was.
Don’t forget to cast your vote in the poll to choose the next name generator! This time the theme is the protectors of the great cities - basically, this is every faction found in the various great cities allegiances in the Season of War: Firestorm campaign pack. Have at it! (Poll closed at midnight GMT on Sunday 23rd June. Winner - Sylvaneth.)
This name generator is perfect for naming your Ironjawz Orruk Warclans heroes and characters, whether you’re fielding them in Warhammer Age of Sigmar or Warcry. It’s also handy for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and the Age of Sigmar: Soulbound role playing game. I hope you like it!
If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share and copy it as you see fit.