Deadwalker Zombie Name Generator
/When you’re under attack from a horde of zombies, making sure that you politely address each of them by name is usually the furthest thing from your mind (we’ve all been there). But let’s spare a moment to think about the real people below that sagging, necrotic skin. They once had hopes and dreams just like you. Would it kill you to reach out and make a connection?
Actually, it probably would - but that’s not important right now. What’s important is that it’s the 11th of December, and today on the advent calendar we’re giving those deadwalkers a little piece of their humanity back with a character name generator just for them. Henceforth, let no deadwalker in your warband go unnamed, for ‘tis the season of goodwill to all men - even if those men’s organs are leaking all over the yule log.

Check out the rest of the Realm of Plastic Advent Calendar 2019 here.