Forbidden Tomes of the Mortal Realms
/Forbidden lore - the Mortal Realms are chock full of it. In fact, there's significantly more forbidden lore than lore that's actually bidden. Demented flagellants and crazed cultists are inadvertently uncovering the dark secrets of the cosmos on an almost hourly basis, and a surprisingly large number of them keep journals. Over time, these journals pass into legend and become much sought-after grimoires. Today's unhinged ramblings are tomorrow's tomes of cosmic power.
To mark the 10th day of Winterval, the dark gods are giving readers of the Realm of Plastic just the tiniest taste of that power. Subscribe now and receive nine months of unpronounceable, insanity-inducing publications that will look great on your coffee table or alchemy bench. Use the code TZEENTCH9 for 10% off and click the button below.

Check out the rest of the Realm of Plastic Advent Calendar 2019 here.