Dark Angels - Character Name Generator

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In the official Warhammer 40K lore, Dark Angels names drawn heavily on the names of Biblical angels - Azazel and Azrael being just two prominent examples. These are names that we’re all aware of on some level, even if only semi-consciously through their ubiquitous repetition in popular culture.
This means that you can take apart certain key elements of the names of Biblical angels, stir in some extra material, put them together again, and end up with something entirely new that still has that Biblical feel and gravitas; an ‘az’ sound here, an ‘ael’ there, and so on. That’s essentially what I’ve done to create this character name generator, though there are a few genuine names thrown in for good measure. Call me devious, but I feel like having a ‘real’ angel’s name pop up in the random draw from time to time makes the made up ones look and feel more credible. I guess I have Yahweh to thank for that.
This name generator is perfect for narrative play in the 41st millennium, whether you're naming your heroes in Warhammer 40,000 or each and every squad member in Kill Team. It’s also great for naming your Dark Angels space marines in the 30K setting of the Horus Heresy. I hope you like it!
If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit.