Necromunda - Van Saar Gang Name Generator

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I have to confess that House Van Saar are something of a mystery to me. At the risk of immediately undermining your confidence in the quality of this gang name generator, I just don’t quite ‘get’ them. For me, pretty much every gang in Necromunda can have their theme summed up and clearly communicated in a word or two; ‘cannibals’, ‘zealots’, ‘bikers’ and so on. With just one word like that I can conjure a hundred different ideas to stuff into a name generator.
But what of Van Saar’s theme? I can’t seem to sum it up in a way that evokes either breadth or depth. They’re dying from radiation poisoning and they’re good at making things. That’s a state of being rather than a theme - a medical condition and a job description rather than a creedo. It gives me something to work with, but not as much as I’d like. No doubt I’ll feel the urge to revisit this gang name generator when their gang book is written and released, since that’s sure to flesh out the culture of House Van Saar way beyond the scraps of lore I found scattered throughout the existing source books and online.
Until then, I’ll just have to settle for this being a standard-issue name generator rather than a master-crafted one. I’m pleased enough with it, but I’m probably not quite ready to be admitted into House Van Saar with this level of workmanship.
If you use this House Van Saar gang name generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And please share it with all the heavily irradiated snipers you know on social media, as this really helps bolster the infamy of my website.